Triune LOVEs me
"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the great human achievement." St. Augustine of Hippo....Triune LOVEs me is a self-narrated spiritual journey of love. Join me as I share the most incredible spiritual experience of my life. The event left me with a burning desire to find answers to my questions about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Together, they have held my hand and placed me in many amazing moments. My journey includes Photography, Music, Life, Love, and relationships with souls in Heaven as well as earthbound. The story is based in Nashville TN. and surrounding areas. This experience with the Triune has left me saying, "I now Live and Love in the WOW."
112 episodes
Twas the Night Before Christmas / Bonus
Come, join me as I travel back in time. By sharing a beautiful Christmas poem with a Christian twist. Merry Christmas from my house to yours. May God keep you safe this ho...
Season 3
Episode 0

The Lord's Prayer
I found the Passion version of the Lord's Prayer this week and loved it. So we birthed a bonus track. Matthew 6:9-139 Pray like this:‘Our Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of...
Season 3
Episode 30

Sinners Prayer
Saving us is the greatest and most concrete demonstration of God's love, the definitive display of His grace throughout time and eternity.- David JeremiahToday's Word SINNER -

A Mothers LOVE
" A Mothers LOVE"Click on the link to hear more. After studying over 675 words... and dancing through the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.This word study is not the typical study. Because truthfull...

Heartfelt - One
Today's word: One Click on the link to hear more. After studying over 675 words... and dancing through the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.This word study is not the typical study. Becau...
Season 3

The gift of Art
Today's word: ArtClick on the link to hear more. After studying over 675 words... and dancing through the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.This word study is not the typical study. Because...
Season 3

February is "LOVE" month - (Bonus)
February is LOVE MONTHSo let's go to creator of LOVE... 1 Corinthians 13 TPT.Wishing you a lifetime of God's abundant Love !!!!! Words with Narration on you tube. link below,
Season 3
Episode 0

Heartfelt - Longing
Today's word : Longing Longing is definitely a 'feel' word. It is not a word we use very often in today’s world. But what does it mean and why do we long for anything? Click on the lick to hear more. After ...
Season 3

Today's word : Somewhere Is this a spiritual location between heaven and earth? To listen click on the link... After studying over 600 words... and dancing through the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revel...
Season 3

Heartfelt Words - Loyalty
Todays Word - Loyalty Are we loyal? Does our heart have the best intentions? Does our soul have the strength to show up in the worst and the best of times? Or are we tainted by self-motivation? To listen click...

Heartfelt Words - Christmas
“Christmas should be a day when our minds go back to Bethlehem, beyond the noise of our materialistic world, to hear the soft flutter of angels’ wings.” Billy Graham - Christmas is one of the most celebrated Christian holi...
Season 3

Barn - If walls could talk ?
If these walls could talk, I wonder what secrets they'd tell.”― Gayle Forman Roll back the clock and share in this special moment with me... click on the link... close your eyes, open your heart and listen with your soul... be...
Season 3

Heartfelt Words - Remnant
Remnant is such a curious word. When I think of the word remnant a small piece of material comes to mind. A leftover... Some people have not learned the art of repurposing things that are small or insignificant or they do not have t...
Season 3
Episode 45

Heartfelt Words - Wound
Have you ever stopped to realize the wound heals from the inside? It continues to heal one layer at a time until we can see a scar over the spot where the wound once stood ... The hurt becomes just a memory...The wounds of the heart and ...
Season 3
Episode 44

Heartfelt Word - Holy Spirit - Some words are worth repeating :)
Today's Word - Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is such a large word to undertake! I can only share what is in my heart. This amazing journey that I have been on, has taught me many things over the past 3 years.After studying 53...
Season 3
Episode 43

The Lords Prayer - Ranked Top... Episode
I found the Passion version of the Lord's Prayer this week and loved it. So we birthed a bonus track. Matthew 6:9-139 Pray like this:‘Our Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of...
Season 3
Episode 42

Heartfelt Words - Late
Todays word is "late"I do believe we all have a date with destiny.. We may not have it circled on our calendar. We may not have set a reminder on our phones... But life shows us that we all have an experation date.. &nbs...
Season 3
Episode 41

Heartfelt Words "Look"
Today's word " LOOK" How do we look but do not see? What is it we are looking for in this life? Are we searching to fill a void in our souls... Many search but are not satisfied with what they see or who they have become... Th...
Season 3
Episode 40

Heartfelt Words "Tell"
Today's Word : Tell If I have learned anything during my journey. I have learned, that although I have had to endure many changes ... I have been blessed with heavenly peace. I have felt a love that has never wavered... And I ...
Season 3
Episode 39

Liquid LOVE & The Holy Ghost ... Rewind Sept 2020... He still WOWs me
Does God still reach down from heaven and touch our lives? How does this happen? What does it feel like? This episode shares my encounter with the product I call liquid love.Liquid LOVEThe day His love descended from heaven and to...
Season 3
Episode 38

Heartfelt words - Constant
Todays Word : Constant If I have learned anything during my journey. I have learned, that although I have had to endure many changes ... I have been blessed with heavenly peace. I have felt a love that has never wavered... And...
Season 3
Episode 37

Heartfelt words - Count
Todays word : Count I say the time is now! Be bold. Raise your hand and tell our Creator I am here count me in!After studying words... and dancing through the pages of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation! We created a not-s...
Season 3
Episode 37

Heartfelt Words - Spiritual love
How can you explain the unexplainable? What is this magnetic pull on the human heart that leads us to our Creator? How and why can we LOVE someone we can not see with our physical eyes... So many mysteries and questions ...
Season 3
Episode 36